First, I tried the Key Lime Pie. I love Key Lime Pie and I generally like that tangy lime taste. I hate yogurt, but love Key Lime flavored yogurt. I thought this was a pretty safe bet. It tasted like tart cardboard. And not a good tart, but the kind of tartness where you can't eat it anymore. The Larabar sat on my desk for an entire day. I kept telling myself that I should love it because other people loved them, then I'd take a tiny nibble and throw the Larabar down in disgust. How could people eat these things?
Next, I tried the Banana Bread kind. Disgusting. I had two bites and threw it away. It tasted nothing like Banana Bread.
Finally, I got a Chocolate Chip Brownie Larabar. How can you screw up Chocolate Chip Brownie flavor? You should really ask the Larabar company that question because they seem to have the correct formula. It didn't taste anything like a Chocolate Chip Brownie. Instead it tasted like mulched up tree bark. After one bite I threw it in the trash and said "NEVER AGAIN!"
So, what is it about Larabars that people like? Is it that they are really expensive? That they taste like crap? That they are high in calories?
The fact that I googled "larabar is disgusting" and found this post means something to me. lol. This is the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth. You are right when you say it takes like an ass sandwich cause I couldn't agree more. How is this company still in business is beyond me. I have a gluten tolerance and have been searching for a good gluten free bar. I thought I had found it and holy crap was I mistaken! How can something that says chocolate on the front taste soooo horrible!!! Like yourself I tried to eat it and take little bits considering it was my lunch and wow...I couldn't do it. After a week I thought I'd try the other flavour I bought and that was just a different flavour of ass. Horrible!!
I'm glad I'm not alone in my hate for Larabars.
i just tried one today - the peanut butter cookie- never again. it was disgusting. i love energy bars and ive never found one i didn't love and since everyone was raving about the larabars i decided to try one and ithrew it out after 2 bites.
You are trying the worst favors! Lemon, blueberry and cashew cookie are fantastic. I tries banana bread my first time and it was sick!
I googled "lara bars are disgusting' and found your blog! spot on! thanks for writing this. they are horrid.
I googled larabars are gross and it sent me here. Someone left a box of them in the breakroom, cherry pie... I consumed the entire bar waiting for it to taste better because I was starving and didn't bring enough for lunch. About 10 minutes passed when I had to go back to the breakroom and grab some potato chips because the flavor saturated my mouth like rotten berries and phlegm. so much for a healthy snack. And I swear I got hungier as I ate this bar. So much for it satiating hunger. I don't understand why people like these so much. They must live a very sheltered life.
Haha! I, too, just googled "Lara bars are gross" and this was the first thing that popped up! I just took a bite of a peanut butter chocolate chip bar had to look at the date to see if maybe it was expired. Good to know I'm not the only person out that who isn't into these.
Same thing "why are larabars so disgusting" and BAM! just ate a snickerdoodle one and I feel bad for my poor stomach but now I have a lovely bet for my lovely boyfriend to follow up on :p
Someone on here said that cashew cookie was a good flavor. Wow. So I tried one of these bars for my first time. It is seriously so disgusting. I am not even a picky eater whatsoever. This is seriously one of the worst things I have ever put into my mouth. Wow.
If you want to try a delicious protein bar that is vegan-friendly, gluten free, and DELICOUS - check out Square Organics. Every single one is yummy, but my fav is Sea Salt and nuts. OMG so good. And they're all coated in dark chocolate. Win.
This is hilarious! I love how some of us ended up here! ha ha...I sit here with my partially eaten key lime pie lara bar thinking, ew ew ew after each nibble...
Hahaha, agree! I just got one as a freebie and it did taste like shit. Who pays a $1.49 for these crappy things has no taste buds or sense.
It's amazing they are still in business.
Lol, I googled "Larabar Tastes Like Shit" and got to this page. I should have wiped my ass with my money rather than spending it on these bars. Good to know others share my distaste for the things. At least it was good for a laugh after reading this.
I googled "I don't understand the Lara Bar" and it brought me here LOL Why oh Why do people eat these?!?!??!
Also got here via a google search (larabar tastes gross). Yup I just had a cashew one... why didn't I do more research BEFORE buying these things?? Wow... tasted strangely like really off meat or dairy passed the expiration date and I had a really hard time swallowing the one bite I took. Sooo disgusting. I can see how these are good meal replacements because I suddenly have no appetite! Haha. On the plus side I got them on sale for one dollar BUT I foolishly bought three of them.
Googled Larabars are nasty and here I am. Just finished some strawberry spinach, cashew thing I found at the 99 cents only store and before that I tried banana bites and I can truly say they are not for me I will still with nature's valley and special K.
It’s been four years but this painful larabar memory brought me here today. I’m so glad I’ve found you all. The smell of larabar makes me gag and I’m the type of person who will eat just about anything. Larabar is literally the only food item on my “things i won’t eat list”
My girlfriend packed one of these bars for a hike a few days ago. The first bite I took tasted like stomach bile. I took another bite in utter disbelief just to make sure that is what I was really tasting. That a company could make something that looks so good taste this bad is an accomplishment on their part. Holy smokes. I'm glad I found some people who agree with me, I thought I was going crazy with the lack of bad reviews.
My sister and I randomly bought a box of cookie dough bars and a box of lemon bars, respectively, while shopping for a short vacation. We did not know what Larabars were at the time, but I really wish we had. Holy shit. I've seen reviews for the lemon bars that claim that the bars taste just like lemon squares. Not so. Biting into one of these hellish amalgams of shit and garbage gives the victim a similar experience to biting into wet, piss-stained cardboard while a vegan squeezes lemon juice into your reddened, tear-filled eyeballs. It took an entire can of Fanta to gather the willpower to eat the entire bar. My sister grabbed the worse choice, however. When I purchase a cookie dough flavored snack bar, I want to bite into and enjoy a cookie dough flavored snake bar. I do NOT want to bite into a two-and-a-half inch long shit stick of pain, misery, and freshly roasted stomach acid. Words alone cannot describe the revulsion I felt as I took a small whiff of the bar and felt as my nostrils shriveled up and burned into nothingness. I could not take more than one bite, and my sister fared much the same. And yet there are hundreds of people gushing over how good these bars taste! I cannot fathom how defective one's taste buds must be to think that something this vile could be edible. What utter shit. I'm just glad I've found a few other people who aren't completely delusional.
For some reason they are still making these in 2019.. I just had a 'peanut butter cookie'. It tasted like shit but I shamefully ate the whole thing because I have a gluttonous eating disorder.
LMAO.. I was waiting for mine to start tasting better too... Never happened
So, in an attempt to move my diet in the healthy direction I have just consumed a Larabar labled Chocolate Covered Almond. The two flavors missing from the little treat... chocolate and almond. It did supply ample amounts of offensive smells, unflavored little crunchy 'bits' and an overwhelming feeling of sadness. I want to be healthy. I want to eat well. But if this little, brown, 'snack born of satan' is the way to health... I will stay fat and unhealthy. This is a non-starter for me and I fear this little lumpy nightmare may have hindered my mission more than it helped.
hahaha when i searched why are LARA BARS disgusting in protest of eating a lemon blueberry flavor, i thought i wouldn't any results but boy was i wrong. i am just glad i am not the only one who thinks they taste like cardboard.
I was looking for a healthy granola bar and after seeing so many positive posts about Larabars and their benefits I decided to give them a try. I got cashew cookie, chocolate chip cookie dough, and the protein chocolate peanut butter cup. I tried the cookie dough one because who doesn't love that? Whoever made that flavor must have never had a cookie because it tasted like rotten chewy grapes, there was some relief from the chocolate chips, but nothing can make up for that gross flavor. Ever being the optimist, a few days later I tried cashew cookie. Maybe this cookie flavor will be right, I thought. Until I looked at the ingredients list which simply said: dates, cashews. I reluctantly bit into it thinking of the disgusting flavor from a few days ago. This one was worse, way worse. I needed food though so I literally speed ate it and washed it down with water, like I had just done one of those gross bug eating challenges on TV. I'd rather eat the bugs honestly. Again, I just thought, "this flavors bad but there's no way the chocolate peanut butter cup one is gonna be bad." Today, a week after starting my Larabar adventure I am excepting that this is just some over hyped bullshit that influencers are getting paid to say they like. This flavor is legit cardboard, like many of you say, but I am genuinely confused how you can have peanut butter and chocolate in the ingredients list and somehow have it come out tasting like flavorless cardboard. Writing this post I'm also no realizing none of these bars had the benefits promised to me. I have no change in energy and they fill me as much as any other granola bar with the same amount of calories (sometimes more). I'm tired of getting this shit stuck in my teeth and pretending that that was good for me. Also side note if you ever thought of trying RX bars, they're even chewier and I felt like a dog chewing peanut butter. They taste better but I'd avoid those too. Moral of the story, whoever Lara is, she's never known joy and probably lost her taste buds in some freak accident.
A Larabar tastes like someone ate the ingredients named on the wrapper then they shit them out & someone collected it & turned it into a disgusting little brick.
A Larabar tastes like what the people in the rear car on Snowpiercer were forced to eat
I love the peanut butter chocolate one I eat them all the time but I just got a new box and it tastes like crap. Its all crumbly and bland and tastes very dry. I tried the other box and those were fine so what the heck happened to the first box??? I need to find out if anyone else had this experience because this batch is frickin nasty.
I am an incredibly picky eater but these bars are one of the only good snacks I get with my allergies. (I have celiac and a few other food allergies) I eat the peanut butter chocolate ones. Although I'm here because I got two bad boxes in a row and I dont know what is wrong with it
They taste like those air fresheners wax things that melt! Disgusting!!!
The chocolate chip cookie dough doesn't taste at all like chocolate chip cookie dough, but it does taste like a fairly good fruit & nut bar. No dough here. Some chocolate. More flavor of dates than anything. Oh well. At least it didn't suck like the PB & Chocolate one. That tasted like a taxicab seat.
yup u are definitely not alone,,I tried one bite of the chocolate brownie and it was so disgusting I had to eat a real piece of chocolate to get the taste of pure unadulterated ass out of my mouth. Ass sandwich is exactly how I would describe these things. I went straight to Google to see what people were saying about these ASSBARS.
yeah I had to Google why do lara bars taste so bad after I tried the chocolate chip brownie flavor
Looking for something different, I found "LARABAR Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cereal", one of my favorite flavors. If my life depended on it, I still wouldn't put this "food" back in my mouth again! It doesn't taste like ASS, but more like cardboard! If you cut the box up up that it came in, and added milk, it'd probably have more flavor! I want my $6.48 back!
I wish I would have saw this before I bought a box. I had never had one, so when I grabbed a bar, I open the package and smelled it, which made me think that if I had ever been around a toxic body of water, that's what this smells like. I gave it the benefit of the doubt since not all food tastes like it smells, so I took a bite not chewing it, just put it on my tongue, and I immediately ran to the garbage can and spit it out. I can conclude that it was the worst thing I have ever tasted. Again, I imagine if I put my tongue in a lake that was filled with toxic plastic by-products, that piece of Larabar is what it would taste like.
I just had one today and made the mistake of taking a big bite. I got so close to throwing that disgusting shit up. I had the cashew cookie one by the way. It tastes nothing like a cookie. It tastes like someone chewed up the cashews and mixed them with dates. I got this one for free. Do not waste your money. It really is t worth it to feel nauseas for 3 hours because of the shitty garbage that everyone loves so much. I think some people seriously might have covid if they think these bars taste good. I gave some to my sister to make sure that it wasn’t just my taste buds and dead ass she took a bite and asked me what I had done to the bar. It’s nauseating just to think about it.
Disgusting as bar
Omg I just tried the cherry pie it was the most nastiest thing I ever tasted
I'm so glad I found this thread. I feel like I want to spread the word about how much I hate Larabars but I didn't know who to tell or where to share.
My girlfriend's mom loves them and keeps them around the house, so sometimes I'll grab one on my way out to work so that I'm not starving in the morning. I regret it every single time. I seriously have to force it down. It does give me energy – I'll give it that – but how can it taste so bad? How could anyone have taste tested that and decided it's good enough to put into production and sell on a national scale?
The worst part is that it's really not even THAT healthy. Considering how bad it tastes, it should be the healthiest food item in the history of the world but in terms of nutrition, it's kind of in the same realm as a Clif bar, which I really enjoy.
I really just don't understand how somebody could buy a Larabar, taste it, and then decide to go buy another one. I've tried many flavors and they're all equally bad. How can something have such little flavor and be so repulsive at the same time?
It's not even a matter of opinion, either. I've tried things before that I don't like but I can understand why someone else would like it. This one has stumped me – I really cannot comprehend how somebody could enjoy eating one of these. They're all dry, taste like dirt, and have an extremely unpleasant texture.
I'm mad that the people who created this monstrosity are being rewarded. I hate that they're getting away with it.
I googled "why are larabars so gross" and ended up here. The one I tried was allegedly "apple pie" but it really just tastes like sad. About halfway through, and I think that this post/comment section just gave me the confidence to throw it away in peace. Thank you.
Same lol
I bought my first two Larbars 2 months ago, apple pie and cashew cookie. My co worker witnessed me as I cracked open my bars all excited as I never tried them before and we’ve been hunting down some alternate protein bars for some variety. As I ate the apple pie bar; my smile faded. I finished it anyways just to give it a fair chance, and it never got better. Maybe apple pie was just a bad pick? Next up was cashew cookie… how could they mess this up? I took my first bite and started gagging and instantly felt nauseous, my co worker was laughing as he watched me continue to battle through trying to eat it all. Each bite was a war of its own. Every bite the taste kept getting worse, how’s that even possible. I feel like my tastebuds still haven’t fully recovered. I get nauseous even when I walk past them in the grocery store. If you’re reading this, save yourself before making my same mistake.
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