The Real Housewives of New Jersey and Beverly Hills. This is my guilty pleasure. Both have been exceptionally good, although I'm getting a little tired of the NJ family drama. I just hope that they keep the same cast and don't do a shakeup like they recently did with RHONY. The BH season has also been good. BH is basically what I think the Real Housewives show is supposed to be about. I mean, those people are super, super, super rich. Except Kim, I have a feeling Kim's not that rich.
Ringer. I'm having a love/hate relationship with this show. The premiere was okay, the second episode was better. Plus it's got a lot of glitz. I'm hoping they don't give it the boots soon because I think it needs a few more episodes to pick itself up.
America's Next Top Model. Oh Lord. I love this show and the fact that they have brought back all of the has beens from past seasons is fabulous squared. The elimination was especially brilliant because these girls heads were so inflated that to watch them get the heave-ho left me in hysterics. I'm expecting a lot more of that.
Up All Night. I didn't love the first episode like I thought I would, but it showed glimmers of real hilarity. Maya Rudolph is basically playing Oprah Winfrey, so right there you've got me. This is another one that I'm hoping amps it up and doesn't get canned.
The Vampire Diaries. I love how this show isn't afraid to kill someone important for shock value. How many shows have this many main characters just die? Plus a million different things happen in each episode. So, the entertainment value is very high.
The Secret Circle. This was probably my favorite surprise so far. I thought it looked dumb in the previews, but had a premise that I would normally like. So, I was going to give it one episode. And it sold me. Teens who are powerful witches. Hook, line, sinker.
The Biggest Loser. How can you not love the tubs? In the premiere when all of the tubs ran back to greet the losing team of elderly tubs in Death Valley, I started crying. Plus, this is a show that you can basically fast forward on your tivo in the slowest mode and figure out exactly what is going on. First they are downtrodden and recap the pain of the last week, then they are inspired in their workout, then they have a challenge that reminds them to work as a team, then the weigh in where all you really need to see are the numbers. Then a tub is sent home.
Revenge. Holy Dynasty awesomeness. I really imagine that this show is what Dynasty and Dallas were in the 80's. Rich Hamptonites involved in murder, mystery, corporate shenanigans and affairs. I have had a rough week and watched the episode on my tivo last night. For those 42 minutes, I literally forgot all of my problems. Please watch, my heart can't take this one getting shitcanned.
I've got other shows lined up in my tivo queue that I haven't gotten around to yet. But Fall of 2011 is off to a good start. You'll find me on my couch until December when all the shows go into reruns for awhile!
Okay what is that picture?
I agree that it seems like just when you get into a show they cancel it. The one show that I did watch on our list was Up All Night, and agree I wasn't in love with the first ep, but the second ep got better. I loved the "cool" neighbors and how Will Arnett was doing stuff ironically.
That is Mr. Garlic Head! He's one of the robot figures in Spaceship Earth at Epcot.
I'm not sure why Mr. Garlic Head is part of this entry, though. Molly, please explain.
Molly's Mom
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