Christmas is officially here. Every year it sneaks up on me, but this year I'm hoping to be ready for it. I've got my own tree up, half of my gifts purchased with the other half already decided upon and my Christmas card list made. Plus I am stressed out! The holidays are here!
Here's a list of my most favorite holiday traditions:
Looking at Christmas Lights. I love driving around to see how people have decorated their houses. The area that I live in always has lots of decorated houses. This year the weather was really nice the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I'm expecting there to be more lights outside than usual. Yay!
Baking. My mom and I go nuts with baking cookies. I'm pretty sure that if you dug in her freezer you'd find some cookies from Christmas 2010, Christmas 2009 and probably a couple of stragglers from Christmas 2008. We are currently nailing down our cookie list for this year.
Christmas Movies. So far, the only Christmas movie that I've watched is Grumpy Old Men. I'm hoping to get in Christmas Vacation, Home Alone & Home Alone 2, The Santa Clause, The Grinch, Elf, Charlie Brown, Rudolph and Frosty. I love sitting down with wine, popcorn, candles and a good Christmas flick.
Wrapping Gifts and Writing Cards. Nothing gives me quite so much joy as writing Christmas cards. I have always loved it. And I love displaying cards that I get, although this year I'm looking for a new method of displaying them. Any suggestions? I also love wrapping gifts and having a tree full of gifts underneath.
I am excited to celebrate this holiday season with my wonderful family and friends!
i am embarrassed for you at the glaring hole in your christmas movie list. molls, how long have we been friends and you have not yet learned? i know you haven't seen it, but to at least attempt this year would be great :)
I don't know what movie A is talking about, but I hope it's White Christmas. Retro classic!
Good work Angie! "A" is indeed talking about White Christmas which I have never seen. Okay, so two corrections to the movie list: White Christmas and Bad Santa. I can't believe I forgot either of them!
Just so we are all aware, Netflix delivered White Christmas to me last week and it's on my docket to watch this week.
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