Trials drain the life out of me. So, I haven't been able to even think of things to write about. Plus, I don't know what people put in the July water that makes April a month filled with birthdays, but hot diggity! I have 8 birthdays to celebrate in April and that list keeps on growing.
One thing to celebrate this Friday is the yearly return of May's Eve. It's an ancient holiday where children and old people alike prepare for a day of prancing around large poles with ribbons and throwing flowers in the air. Most people will prepare for this by drinking heavily with loved ones or random strangers. Either way, it's truly a celebration you will not want to miss!
And just in case I forget to inform you on April goal was a complete success! I vowed to do push-ups everyday to make my large upper arms dwindle in size. Well I have done push ups everyday (almost) this month and I have had marginal results. But I'm still happy because I think my arms have downgraded (or would it be upgraded?) from a hippo to a gorilla. Except a fatty gorilla, not a muscley one.
The April/May deluge of birthdays has been a topic of recent conversation. My theory is that women plan their pregnancy so that they don't have to be pregnant in the summer, which makes sense. But yeah, I literally know 1 person that has my exact birthday on April 29, and like 10 other people that have birthdays from mid-april to mid-may. It's really overwhelming.
I think your theory is probably better than mine. I just thought people were hornier in the summer.
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